Sacred Personal 1:1 Sessions With Laura

Are you open to receiving the next level of your evolution?

It would be my honor and pleasure to support you on your journey to help you embody more of your authentic light and truth so that you can step into the sacred rebel role that you came to be!

In all sessions, I will open up a clear channel to directly connect with the Celestial Realms of Light to bring in your Spirit Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, Galactic Star Family, and access your Akashic Records.  

I use a sacred prayer process to create a safe and loving container for you to receive divine activations, attunements, transmissions and channeled messages. 

My sessions are divinely guided by your Higher Self and light team and are generally focused on what’s currently going on in your life at this moment.  I receive my messages in the form of symbols, words, whispers and visions. My messages are very accurate and crystal clear. I also channel Light Language, a form of quantum healing communication that is activated through my heart chakra and Higher Self. 

Celestial Soul Oracle Light Session

Are you ready for breakthroughs in your personal evolution?

Get the guidance, wisdom, skills, and support you seek to bring forth the Inner Angelic Goddess you know you came to be!

Awaken Your Inner Goddess

Divine Feminine Womb Activation Session with Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene

1:1 Magdalene Priestess Activation Session where you can experience a powerful private Lightbody Healing and Magdalene Womb Blessing and Womb Healing to:

  • Awaken your Soul Gifts
  • Activate your Sacred Feminine Power
  • Embody your High Priestess Sovereignty

Activate Your Holy Womb Chakra

Guided Angelic Mentoring Packages

Experience profound shifts in the most important areas of your life!

Unleash your inner Goddess power, find your authentic voice, and get clarity for your soul’s path.

Leap into your destiny

Embody your Feminine Soul Light And Birth Your Heaven On Earth!

Celestial Soul Oracle Light Sessions

Awaken - Embody - Expand

Heal your heart and express your light.
Experience profound shifts in the most important areas of your life!

My private Celestial Soul Oracle Light Sessions will kindle your soul’s love-light and help you align with your heart’s mission connecting you to the innate truth of your Higher Self, with your highest guides and angels, and tapping into your Akashic Records to step onto the path you’re meant to walk!

This is a life-altering process that will take you deep into your truth and help you to connect you with your own inner spiritual authority.
Open to the deepest prayer with a DNA transmission and activation that will boost your journey providing you with more clarity and confidence!

Here are some of the things you can experience:

  • Spiritual alignment, direction, and empowerment
  • Energetic expansion, vitality, and vibrancy of living
  • Deep Emotional/Mental/Physical/Spiritual transformational shifts
  • Dissolve traumas, wounding, and entanglement with others.
  • Healing of relationships with self and others
  • Elevated creativity and authentic self-expression
  • Address the issues that you want to profoundly transmute
  • Experience deep transformation and life-changing guidance
  • Gain clarity for your life mission and purpose
  • Expand your heart into a deeper flow of love, grace, joy, and abundance

It’s time to light up and be the Angelic Goddess you came to be!

Divine Feminine Womb Activation Session with Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene

Embody your Feminine Soul Light And Birth Your Heaven On Earth!

Receive a Divine Feminine Womb Frequency Activation Transmission; in this session, we will:

  • Clear out dense energies held in your womb
  • Release cords/attachments/hooks/traumas from your root chakra and root system to open your flow of light
  • Open your heart-womb connection flow of feminine abundance
  • Connect to your sacred lineage of light and activate your Divine Feminine frequency power in your womb
  • Restore your powers of connection to your sisterhood and receive guidance from your personal Goddess guide for your liberation and execution of your soul mission and purpose work

You can experience:

  • The opening of your womb-heart connection to activate your natural flow of feminine grace and abundance.
  • Reclaim your womb-space and authentic expression
  • Release deep layers of trauma, trapped emotions and limiting beliefs to reclaim authentic power.
  • Activate your divine feminine frequency in your womb
  • Heal your relationships and embody balanced divine feminine-masculine harmony.
  • Transform your pain and suffering into pure love.
  • Release cords/hooks/attachments/entities and unhealthy entanglements to reset healthy boundaries.
  • Activate more grace and ease into your life.

Schedule Your Session Today!

Guided Angelic Mentoring Packages: Guided Light Sessions

Activate Your Soul’s Greatest Potential And Purpose

12 Strand Angelic Soul DNA Ceremony

We will access your soul’s gifts and align you with your soul’s mission! I will provide a transformative light language process that will be designed to activate your unique soul gifts and abilities. I will help you to:

  • Open your multi-dimensional heart portal to access the Divine knowledge of your Galactic Star Soul lineage.
  • Activate the keys to your DNA codes for new programming.
  • Ground and anchor your light body to the 5th dimensional Earth matrix for support.
  • Receive clarity and guidance about your Soul Mission.

Here are some of the things you can experience:

  • Receive spiritual alignment, direction, and empowerment for your soul’s highest potentials.
  • Activate the keys to your DNA codes for new light code programming.
  • Define and activate your next level of spiritual gifts to awaken.
  • Feel more confident and clear about your soul mission and life purpose work.
  • Receive a special prayer activation to align you with your soul’s greatest mission.
  • Liberate and activate your divine sovereign blueprint.

Leap Into Your Destiny Now!

Not sure which session to book? Schedule your complimentary 20 minute discovery session with me now to get you started on your transformational Rose pathway of creating more love, happiness and joy!

Free Gift: Heart Womb Journey with Mother Mary

Enjoy a special Heart-Womb Journey with Mother Mary; a magical ride into the Cosmic Universal Womb of Divine Mother:

💗 The intention is to assist you in a deep clearing and activation of your Heart-Womb space
💗 A nurturing message of love and inspiration from Mother Mary
💗 There’s an embedded harmonic frequency that will assist you in deepening into your loving cosmic womb journey + MORE!

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