Maiden Journey of the Sophia Rose Oracle Pathway of Soul Embodiment
Module I
January 10th - April 11th, 2025
In this 13-Moon Magdalene Sophia Rose Priestess Journey, we begin with module I to anchor in your alignment from Soul to Heart or Heaven embodiment.
- Dive deep into the heart of your Akashic Records transforming and transmuting any out of alignment frequencies so you can fully embody the New Earth vibration of Unity Consciousness.
- Activate your DNA Ascension Codes of Love Consciousness.
- Activate your Grail Chalice of Love embodiment.
- Birth Your Divine Sophia Christ Consciousness Into Form Through the power of your Soul-Heart connection.
- Expand your Oracle Priestess gifts of embodied soul intuition.

Opening Ceremony - January 10th, 2025
In this sacred container, you are supported to receive mentorship from Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary and also receive their Gifts, Lineages, and Transmissions, supporting the multidimensional awakening of your Soul's Blueprint and Divine Feminine Channel as a Priestess of the Magdalene-Isis-Sophia Lineage.
Overview and Understanding Your Soul Hierarchy & Ascension Journey To Wholeness
Aligning your Soul / Team/ Womb with your Divine Soul Blueprint
Activating your DNA Mastery and 5th Dimensional Consciousness
Activate your Magikal Wombody As Your Portal to Birth Your New Earth Unity Consciousness
Activating your Divine Sophia – Christ Consciousness Light Grid
Sophia Prayers of Light For The New Earth Angel Light Body
Activate your DNA Ascencion Codes of Love Consciousness
“…SO much healing, information and connection came through. I am still benefiting from the activations I received on the course the first time I took it, in the summer of 2022. I cannot recommend (Laura) highly enough to anyone who is thinking about it as a next step on their soul’s evolution. The womb really is the center of your universe! ”
“Wow.. Talk about “Get right to the point”. This Akashic Record DNA Trinity Healing Process Laura is doing is very profound. I have never felt such power in a healing session before. I just set an intention, and everything that was no longer needed is now gone. No more rehashing the old stories. I have a clear direction and know exactly what I need to do. I highly recommend this process to anyone who is ready for a powerful shift in their life.