Welcome Beautiful Goddess!
Your Global Sacred Sisterhood Awaits...

Are you Ready To Get Your Goddess Groove On?

It’s time. You hear it, don’t you? The awakening of your Inner Goddess. She is rising up, waking up, and you know you’re ready to fully open your heart flow and embody the Divine Feminine calling! 

Are you wondering how your feminine superpowers can be fully expressed?

Are you ready to fully embrace the Goddess within? 

It’s our time and the time is now. So go make that cup of tea, light a candle, and find a warm cozy spot to meet your powerful inner Angelic Goddess. 

Free Gift: Heart Womb Journey with Mother Mary

Enjoy a special Heart-Womb Journey with Mother Mary; a magical ride into the Cosmic Universal Womb of Divine Mother:

💗 The intention is to assist you in a deep clearing and activation of your Heart-Womb space
💗 A nurturing message of love and inspiration from Mother Mary
💗 There’s an embedded harmonic frequency that will assist you in deepening into your loving cosmic womb journey + MORE!

Hi Beautiful Sister!

I’m Laura Hosford, your Sacred Oracle for the Divine Feminine Rising, embodying my mission to act as an Emissary for the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness. I’m the creator of the Get Your Goddess Groove On Podcast and Community with our Sacred Women’s Circles expanding!
I help you liberate your Soul and further awaken to your Inner Goddess. I help you learn how to deeply listen to Her voice and take your deepest heart’s desires to the next level as the New Earth rises. 

No matter what you resonate with — wayshower, lightworker, light warrior, wisdom keeper, healer, etc. – you’re here for a purpose. 

I am here to guide you in the re-birth of your true Priestess Self so that you can answer to your heart’s deepest prayers and step into Your Truth, the Purpose that you’re here for… with NO apologies!

Are you ready to answer the call of Divine Sophia Mother? 


You’re here because you’ve heard the call of the Goddess... Are You Ready to Fully Rise to Her Call?

🌹Do you want more understanding, integration, tools for deeper discovery, and a Sacred Guide that can help you step into this next phase of your life and as we move through this Great Awakening?

🌹Do you feel a bit uncertain about the realm of your Inner Goddess and sometimes feel misunderstood by those around you?

🌹Do you desire a community that will offer you guidance, support, and can help you awaken to the the fire of creativity that burns inside of you… a sacred place where you can expose your Inner Truths? 

🌹Have you been getting massive “downloads” (information from Source/Goddess) and need a Sacred Women’s Circle of other rebels to help you discern all of these messages you’re receiving? 

…Listen deeply beloved soul and hear my call. 

I AM your waking Inner Goddess speaking to you. I am here to call you home and activate your deepest prayer inside of you. 

You are invited to join us on the path of Divine Feminine Mastery

Your sacred journey
with us can start
here, sister!

I look forward to
meeting you!

Laura Hosford

Get Your Goddess Groove On Community

This community is a place to feel safe amongst like-minded souls where you can feel free to discover your True Goddess Self. This can become your sacred circle to nourish your feminine soul.

We will dive deep into all areas of life… relationships around you, transforming deep-seated patterns and behaviors, and more! It’s time that we become our authentic true selves… unapologetically!

In the Get Your Goddess Groove On online community you will engage in sacred practices that will nourish you with Divine Feminine energies. We will come together for an amazing experience of sisterhood, fun, celebration, ceremony, prayer, meditation, feminine inquiry and spiritual growth through reclaiming our inner wise woman and our true Goddess Self.

Community - Connection - Compassion

Here's how to get started

Sacred Sisterhood Circles

Heart-Centered Online Communities for Women

Maidens, mothers, crones, explore these Sacred Circles and find your tribe!

You can join a community of women seeking Goddess guidance and female support on their path of self discovery to come into their own authentic expression of Goddess energy.

Tap into the well of feminine wisdom and become more acquainted with the inner voice of your Wild Feminine Essence. Join in giving and receiving wisdom, support and encouragement in a sacred space of love and light.

Sacred Courses

Get started with one of my Sacred Online Courses to empower your soul! 

This work includes Somatic Breathwork, Angelic Prayer, Akashic Records Mastery, Divine Feminine and Holy Womb Chakra Healing, and more! 

These are ever-evolving–the work evolves as I evolve, and we all evolve as the New Earth rises.

Get Your Goddess Groove On Community Laura Hosford

Are You Ready to Swan Dive Into Your Priestess Role?

Receive Private SoulFULL Sessions To Embody Your Goddess

Laura Hosford Sacred Oracle for the Divine Feminine Rising

Sacred SoulFULL Sessions

Dive deep into the heart of your soul’s revolutionary path with a private channeled session with me.

Get real answers to pressing questions and experience a rekindling of your inner Goddess.

Ready to take it to the next level of mastery?

My new Angelic DNA Quantum Healing sessions are designed to activate your highest potential and expansion of embodied light.

Get Your Goddess Groove On Show with Laura Hosford Banner
Get Your Goddess Groove On Radio Show

Laura’s Radio Show

Join us in the Get Your Goddess Groove On Radio Show membership community on Friday at 12PM Pacific for Goddess Healing conversations! Get Your Goddess Groove On with Laura Hosford as we bring you heart healing messages from the Goddess

When the Goddess Speaks Everyone Listens

Beloved Soul, Do you feel like life is a mystery to be solved? That you must stand alone in this life? Listen deeply beloved soul and hear my call. I am your waking inner Goddess speaking to you. I am here to call you home and activate your deepest priestess prayer inside of you!

Priestess Love Notes For Laura

I am so grateful for you and your session today. I have been in a state of bliss since we talked. Your frequency and divine Feminine energy is so beautiful that it just makes everything feel good. Your imagery of my children surrounding my husband to heal him on his journey to Ascension touched me so deeply. And for the first time, this transition that has filled me with fear and dread feels blessed and hopeful.
Thank you so much for your time and your Grace. You are a true Goddess.

Sending so much love, Dari C.

I have been a Healer myself Reiki Master; Animal communicator Sound Healer so many gifts 4 over 20 years and I have come to other healers for my own healing as needed throughout the years and it is my Honor to Highly recommend Laura’s work, her packages and Especially a private session as she channels in the pure loving celestial light all around. So much love 💙 so much reverence for your gifts/spiritual work. I will be a returning client.

With Love, in the Brightest Light 🌠Caroline Manzo

IFeeling quite blocked in a certain area of my life, I turned to Laura for help. A very wise choice as she brings such depth of knowledge, in addition to her loving presence. While I’m fairly new to the fascinating worlds of the Akashic Records and Light Language, Laura’s skillful ability to access this wisdom and healing energies of these and other modalities made our session most powerful. As a result of working together, I’m feeling much lighter and now feel able to move forward, no longer blocked by the heaviness I’ve felt for so long. I highly recommend working with Laura if you want help uncovering and removing blocks that are holding you back from living your life fully and being your best self.

Marilyn O.  Multi-sensory Intuitive

Receive Goddess Wisdom And Inspiration For Your Highest Soul Prayer

A Prophetic Message From Saint Peter about The New World Womb

A Prophetic Message From Saint Peter about The New World Womb

Today I want to share a prophetic message of hope and vision for humanity that came through me about two weeks ago. It was a message that…

A Higher Perspective on Current World Chaos & Coronavirus

A message from Archangel Michael channeled by Laura Hosford

The world is upside down right now in deep turmoil as the roots of the old world are being literally “uprooted” and vaporized back into nothingness from

Receive soulful inspiration to guide you forward!

and get a FREE GIFT: Heart Womb Journey with Mother Mary

There is a light that no darkness can vanquish.
We all have a connection to this ‘inner light.’ 
It is our divinity, our soul.

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Free Gift: Heart Womb Journey with Mother Mary

Enjoy a special Heart-Womb Journey with Mother Mary; a magical ride into the Cosmic Universal Womb of Divine Mother:

💗 The intention is to assist you in a deep clearing and activation of your Heart-Womb space
💗 A nurturing message of love and inspiration from Mother Mary
💗 There’s an embedded harmonic frequency that will assist you in deepening into your loving cosmic womb journey + MORE!